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From pre-production, to production, to post-production, it was a very smooth process and we ended up with a really perfect, finished product.
Gorilla Creative really did a great job of helping us figure out what the clear, focused story was...what were the right sound bites, what was the right timing, what were the right visual elements to make our customer’s story the most compelling and engaging.
Gorilla was incredible at pivoting, making sure the project ran smoothly even when things changed…rolling with it and being easy going, but always keeping the project on track and delivering exactly what we needed.
Gorilla made it look easy. It’s like that analogy… they are the calm duck on top of the water, but really behind-the-scenes you know they are moving their feet really quickly to keep everything going behind the scenes.
When we received the 1st version of the video, Nina and I looked at each other and said, ‘Wow!’ and after that we shared some very minor feedback that Gorilla folded in seamlessly. I truly believe it’s because we were so aligned throughout the entire process, the level of and attention to detail that Gorilla Creative provides really allows it to make everything super seamless, and post production an absolute breeze.
Lindsay Goldberg
Director of Corporate Marketing